Message from the Superintendent

Good Afternoon Parents, Guardians, Staff and Community,

I have just this afternoon received the COVID-19 Update from The Stanislaus County Office of Education and the Stanislaus County Department of Public Health.

Based on this update beginning Monday, March 16 we will be cancelling all assemblies, sporting events, and any event that may exceed 250 persons in attendance. This does not mean that our schools will be closed. Our schools will remain open until authorities recommend we suspend school.

1) Today’s update indicates that Day-to-day classroom activities should remain in place at this time.

2) The update does however recommend that all Non-essential school gatherings should be postponed or canceled across the state until at least the end of March. It is limiting Non-essential gatherings to no more than 250 people, while smaller events can proceed only if the organizers can implement social distancing of 6 feet per person.

3) Essential gatherings should only be conducted if the essential activity could not be postponed or achieved without gathering, meaning that some other means of communication could not be used to conduct the essential function.

Recommendation on Social Distancing:

The Stanislaus County Public Health Services Agency and Stanislaus County Office of Education recommends that schools begin practicing "social distancing" when it comes to large events and assemblies. This means making every attempt to minimize large group activities where students, staff, families, or community members are gathered in one place.

Recommendations include:

- Student meals will be served in areas not to exceed 250 students.

- Physical Education and recess are already being staggered such that smaller numbers of students are gathered together in one location

-We will be postponing large events and assemblies until further notice

-We will continue to follow regular hygiene guidelines

Regular classroom activities will continue


Helio Brasil
