Sending You Holiday Cheer!

Dear Keyes Union School District Families,

I want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!   Please enjoy the time with your friends and families and always remember to give back to those in need.

Thank you for supporting our children, teachers, and staff.  Your commitment to the Keyes Union School District is paramount to the success of all students and we greatly appreciate each and every one of you.

Finally, please take a moment to reflect on those who are serving in our Country and that cannot be with their families and those who may be alone during this time.  Remember that the spirit of the season is one of love, generosity, and forgiveness.  “It is time to look upon the world’s busy life and become more interested in people than in things.  It is forgetting thy self and finding time for others” (T.S. Monson).

Many wishes for a safe and happy holiday.

Happy New Year!

Dr. Helio Brasil